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Asian Citrus Psyllid Detector Canine Program

This program began in 2019 with a proof-of-concept grant from USDA HLB/MAC to determine if the Asian Citrus Psyllid emitted an odor that the canine olfactory system could detect. Randomized, double-blind experiments demonstrated this is possible and with 95% relative accuracy.


The program continues to be funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, APHIS, PPQ.  Canine Assisted ACP Scouting is done in both commercial and residential settings. This service is provided to county, state and federal regulatory agencies as well as citrus growers and pest control districts.

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Canine Sales

Fully trained ACP Detector Canines are available.  A handler training course in California is included in the sale of our working canines.  We can provide ongoing support and training worldwide. 



4162 N Knoll Dr #101    Fresno, CA 93722

Certified Small Business

Licensed - Insured - Bonded

Incorporated In The State of California

Registered With The Structural Pest Control Board

Registered with the County Agricultural Commissioner

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